Here is our Part 1..the WHY’S , TD’s own history of TV Media Christian Ministry and the time from Jesus People on to Mega Hip Hop Celebrity…


TD is Dry wit, cool, embedded set in place..from PRE Famous Christian Media through it’ develop and it’s now clubby, clannish, self reflecting cult many styles. Ambition? Demas? False? Or Misled? Gone Haywire? Out of Balance” OFF? or In Need of basic Scripture “heart” and “fill in the gaps” Bible doctrines. TD offers a NEW PERSPECTIVE Selah All. Not going to accuse any famous or local area faces. Just going to give a fine point Hot Topic discussion. BUT you need to hear it ALL as it paints a signficant picture of grass roots church going, the representation of apostle Christ and the steep decline of the True Church in the United States and the media absorbed Glode. A Selah not Autocratic critical dogma. Open to the Noble Berean to hear God about all of this for themselves. M Y BIBLE IS OPEN 2 Timothy 3:16-17

PLEASE SAY A PRAYER that I hear it and state it correctly, and recall all that is in my heart to mention, due to Bible deep subjects, Scriptures which tie in. Many blessings and genuine thanks!

This is a Non supported move so any and all gestures of prayer, provision and adequate material, also moral support are welcome.

I plan to make it known how I,we in this Cross Body Unity, Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Ministries operate, which is in “nuances” and “shades” based upon the Old True Mixture with Leader Legalism Teaching. I purposely and repeatedly state this I, this is a free spirit style GALATIANS 1:1-2 style, like a servant leader Paul, who as “not SENT OUT by any ONE  person OR  one Christian pastors GROUP…REASON WHY that he would not be owned, falsely governed, meaning control or censored. Also Paul was impartial and not a clone of or against any type of Christian ministry movement, nor race nor any human.

Like the Apostle Paul this is based on “self goverment” (Fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23) and is “submitted to all in Christian ministry” as First Church Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord.”


Any Q’s ..write Taveau “the Maven of Theology” Email:

Love Offerings: Not use for Sister’s play money, fancy schmancy items or  building her own fortune, mansion or style. IF  YOU EVEN SEE SUCH..know that is comes only from her leader tent maker side which was held back, repeatedly withstood and targeted by the former witchcraft, Psalm 144 ‘non servant’ Strange Children.

So we live by the daily bread however are calm, expectant also consider this myself to be “blessed” to be alive and apart.

No tax write off, but claim Matthew 6:4. NO FORMULAS..just be doing it as UNTO the Lord.

In His Service,
Sister T


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