AT CERTAIN TIMES, DUE TO CERTAIN PORTRAITS. OF “ACCEPTING CHRIST” AND BEING “IN LEADERSHIP” ONE NEEDSA TYPE OF “RANDOM OBJECTIVE” SECOND OPINION…. to the subjects about which this Out Court Earth Suited Simple”Human” ….who happens to represent a LARGE population of the world and of the Christian church and perhaps 25% of the Ministry…mammothly appears to “Trigger” therefore, it could be helpful to understand the major reasons for these similar declarations.



(will be 2-3 parts)

Sister Taveau Chat GPT Ai to:

Please give synopsis and significant points in each chapter of Malachi any details, history, deeper meaning, key verses in KJV

CHAT GPT Ai Responded:

Synopsis and Key Points of Each Chapter in Malachi (KJV)

The Book of Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, addresses the Israelites’ spiritual apathy and outlines God’s coming judgment. The prophet Malachi emphasizes God’s covenant with Israel and calls them to repentance. Key themes include God’s love for His people, the importance of faithful worship, and the promise of a coming Messiah. Below is a chapter-by-chapter summary with key points, historical context, and deeper meaning.

Chapter 1: God’s Love for Israel and the Corruption of the Priesthood


  • Verses 1-5: God declares His love for Israel, contrasting His choice of Jacob (Israel) over Esau (Edom) (TD Interjects ESAU, EDOM are symbolic of the hireling in God’s Ministry Leadership, in this case also in ministry, the carnal infiltration). God’s sovereign election of Israel is a reminder of His covenant relationship, despite their doubts.
  • Verses 6-14: The priests are accused of despising God’s name by offering polluted sacrifices. They dishonor God by giving blemished animals, showing their contempt for His altar.

Key Points:

  • Historical Context: Written post-exile (5th century BC), Israel had returned to their land but had grown spiritually apathetic. The temple was rebuilt, but worship had become mechanical and corrupt.
  • Deeper Meaning: God’s choice of Jacob over Esau symbolizes His covenant with Israel. The corrupt sacrifices indicate a deeper issue of heartless worship and neglect of God’s holiness.
  • Key Verses:
    • Malachi 1:2: “I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob.”
    • Malachi 1:8: “And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil?”

Chapter 2: Rebuke of the Priests and Faithfulness in Marriage


  • Verses 1-9: God warns the priests about their unfaithfulness and calls them to honor the covenant made with Levi, which emphasized righteous teaching and leading people in truth.
  • Verses 10-16: The people are condemned for their unfaithfulness in marriage. They have married foreign women and divorced their wives, breaking God’s covenant of faithfulness.
  • Verse 17: The people question God’s justice, suggesting He is indifferent to evil.

Key Points:

  • Historical Context: The priests were responsible for teaching God’s law, but they had become corrupt, leading to spiritual decay among the people. Marriages to foreign women threatened Israel’s identity as a covenant nation.
  • Deeper Meaning: The priesthood’s failure reflects a broader societal breakdown, with marriage seen as a covenant that mirrors God’s relationship with Israel. The people’s unfaithfulness in marriage symbolizes their unfaithfulness to God.
  • Key Verses:
    • Malachi 2:7: “For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.”
    • Malachi 2:16: “For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away…”

Chapter 3: The Coming Messenger and the Call to Repentance


  • Verses 1-5: Malachi speaks of the coming of a messenger (John the Baptist), who will prepare the way for the Lord. The Lord will come to purify the priests and judge those who oppress the vulnerable.
  • Verses 6-12: God calls Israel to return to Him. The people are accused of robbing God by withholding tithes and offerings. God promises blessings if they faithfully give.
  • Verses 13-18: The people complain that serving God is useless, but God assures them that a book of remembrance is written for those who fear Him.

Key Points:

  • Historical Context: During this period, many Israelites were discouraged, feeling that their faithfulness was in vain as they observed the prosperity of the wicked. Malachi addresses their doubts and calls them to renew their commitment to God.
  • Deeper Meaning: The messenger is a reference to John the Baptist, who prepares the way for Christ, the ultimate refiner. Tithing symbolizes a trust in God’s provision, and withholding tithes is equated with dishonoring God.
  • Key Verses:
    • Malachi 3:1: “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me.”
    • Malachi 3:10: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse… and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven…”

Chapter 4: The Day of the Lord


  • Verses 1-3: The day of the Lord is described as a time of judgment for the wicked, but for those who fear God, it will be a time of healing and restoration. The righteous will triumph over the wicked.
  • Verses 4-6: Malachi concludes with a reminder to obey the Law of Moses and a promise that Elijah (symbolically fulfilled by John the Baptist) will come before the great day of the Lord.

Key Points:

  • Historical Context: The anticipation of the Day of the Lord was central to Israel’s hope for justice and restoration. Malachi points to a future when God will fully establish His kingdom.
  • Deeper Meaning: The Day of the Lord represents both judgment and salvation. For the wicked, it is a day of destruction, but for the righteous, it is a day of healing. The mention of Elijah reflects a call to repentance before the arrival of the Messiah.
  • Key Verses:
    • Malachi 4:2: “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.”
    • Malachi 4:5: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.”

Conclusion and Significance of Malachi:

  • Covenant Faithfulness: Throughout the book, God’s covenant with Israel is central, and the people’s failures highlight their need for true repentance and heart-driven worship.
  • Messianic Prophecy: Malachi foreshadows the coming of Christ through the references to a messenger (John the Baptist) and the ultimate purification brought by the Messiah.
  • Judgment and Hope: The book balances judgment for disobedience with hope for those who remain faithful to God.

Malachi serves as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments, leaving Israel with a message of repentance and anticipation of the Messiah’s coming.

CLOSING This post:

I will write all of the above out and more about the in depth Malachi first Church Implications but for now, too long, will make it into a PDF file on new teaching ministry website, I am also writing out this long word for Christian ministers now. Will share it later today in part or tomorrow.

This is the word from the Lord I got Sept 9, 2024 as we are closing out this old Epic now elite, somewhat starstruck Era and this is my own ‘submitted Selah”
I will write this out in PDF Form shortly.

Please spread it around those ‘in the know”



TO SUPPORT: Please ongoing pray! Many do so, please! Thanks!


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