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“Relationship Respect instead of “Being Right” (Winning)

2 Extremely Important “Relationship Value + RESPECT” Bible Verses

Historical Isaiah 1:18:
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

Luke 1:17:
“And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of (Elijah) Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

And, as the cardiganed Baptist prophet, the departed TV Mr. Rogers might say to the controlling mama’s boys in LP maiming ministry:
“It’s you I like, not the control cult doctrines you wear. It’s not the way you resemble a mega, micro-psychic false seer. NO, it’s YOU I like… and (far away) agape accept, respect, value, and love.”

Hear Ye, Hear Ye: MISREPRESENTING the valuable leader I JOHN 1:7 plus the aforementioned: ISAIAH 1:18. Furthermore, I will not debate. If any fellow Christian top leader, who is outside of this Cross Body Unity Movement, deems it extremely important, for the sake of Bible and Nation, they will be humble, servant leaders, and respectful. I will only be approached in a calm, respectful, mature fashion, but NOT AN AUTHORITARIAN, VOLATILE, HISTRIONIC SHOUTING TO GAIN ATTENTION and to make their AUTOCRATIC CONTROL show themselves OVER this person and MY SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY, which, to presume, is FALSE, as I know my (non-patriarchal, big boss) doctrine. Loud opinions do not constitute an “authentic high office.”

This geriatric, anti-gender, significant fault-finding is a passed-down form from the old, tired, often biased, machismo types of the Old Dad Movement, and it loves to be CENTER OF THE SHOW of the WESTERN WORLD, not MYSELF. It thrives on arguing, winning, getting publicity, and ministry notoriety with its masculine payoffs. I do NOT DO THAT, nor do I want anyone to try to approach me. I can see it a MILE AWAY, and it is FALSE (always wants a PAYOFF) (no real respect), Big Shot. Usually, it is the big shot from my race Boys Club—the “little women” whom THEY feel are the RIGHTEOUS HARDCORE “AUTHORITARIAN RIGHT” to be THE CHRISTIAN MAN to set THIS “strange TYPE” straight.

Please forgive me; I do not attempt to be made a gazing stock of the Colonial We-Centric, humorless, ranting, mythic “word curse,” LP, non-diverse, hypocritical “totalitarian” subculture. Let them rave and rant for ‘dominating’ Hot Shot Control. Their CHOICE; however, this is MINE, and I do not play “Seeking Celebrity Autocrat” (all white, middle-income) heresy hunter. Rather, I submit to Isaiah 1:18, meek Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-16, and James 3:17: “No need to WIN,” easily entreated, peaceable. NOT to draw an audience or clickbait, like some are growing.

I win with humility and assess my own heart and any others by the abiding fruit of “the wisdom from above” (James 3:17): “pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” Go along now.

NOTE: Not all of these “styles” of Christian “leader men” are over all Christian “women” and autocratic common…men. And I would need to be married for anyone to be my head, other than Christ, due to all of the covering, witchcraft, and haughty, backward, and SCARY untrue Bible interpretations. Yet that is THEIR CHOICE. I am over here with the Cross Body Unity one, submitted all in Ephesians 5:21—”mutual submission in the fear of the Lord,” which was the First Church. As God sent Galatians 1:1-2—”sent apostle ‘NO SENT OUT’ by any one person or any one group.” This is NOT Big Shot, but “they” (just that KIND) prefer to dominate, revival instead of ‘relating.’ Very uneducated, so I know more than they do; many are younger than I am.

After the last 50 years of experience with Big Boss, I need to make it known that I am NOT one of them. To DEBATE is, to me, a direct assault attack. Ambush, evil-minded fellowship hardcore “they’ve already made up their minds that a SHE, HER, or THEY are “ministry apostate, taking over ‘their’ solid Caucasian, hardcore Bible-thumping TURF… thus I am demure, thoughtful, other-centric, sophisticated and NOT ‘play time chattel.’ Just label this as FED UP with the Carnal HIMS hitting each one of US… hers and them, on the head with a machismo playtime nouveau riche club… and it mostly avoids “humble relationship” (Isaiah 1:18, Matt 18:15, Gal 6:1) and resorts to ambush, and loud public high horsin’ vitriol, which reads as misogynistic LP prehistoric (leader woman as a “wicked” TYPE) “caveman” style of ministry.

It’s like them getting a “notch on their belt” for being regarded by their similar, like-doctrinal peers as “the WINNER.” However, it’s the grandiose, often “bully attack” use of the Law. However, in actual First Church “fear of the Lord” “human respect,” it sucks. For more about ‘being featured as the WINNER’ (aimless ambition) — and my daddy was a senior office pastor and was not a bit like that.

I don’t need to put up with this CRAPOLOGY as it’s frankly more like “Thief-ology” (meaning: the thief comes to rob, kill, and destroy, while Jesus came to “bring life more abundantly”). Hence, she advocates “we,” they, he, she, I submit to Apostle Paul (Philippians 2:12) and each “work out OUR OWN salvation with fear and trembling.”

Sign this as an office Deborah, apostle type.
(Your friendly, MYOB, laid-back, rational and respectful, no-hidden-agenda Human Authority)


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