Apostolic New Worship..Apostolic

Will You Light a Candle (in Prayer)?

Backstory: Taveau had been in the central Virginia regional area with senior pastors and ministry head leaders, engaging in recurring, ongoing cross-denominational intercession that links urban, suburban, and rural communities. They sought ongoing repentance for a real move of God, true national revival, and cross-racial healing. One day, out of the seeming blue, she received a word in song from the Lord. As any Christ follower, pastor, faith-filled believer, apostle, or servant can be, she found herself sorely tried by the increasing negativity in the news—both local and national. So, this word was, and is, about keeping perspective.


Heavenly Father,

In this moment, we come before You with humble hearts, seeking Your presence and guidance. As we light this candle, we are reminded of Your light that shines in the darkness, illuminating our paths and giving us hope.

Lord, we lift up our leaders, pastors, and all those who serve in ministry. Strengthen them in their calling and help them to persevere through trials and challenges. May they be filled with Your peace and clarity as they navigate the complexities of our world.

We pray for true national revival and cross-racial healing in our communities. Unite us, O God, in our desire for a move of Your Spirit that transcends divisions and fosters love, understanding, and reconciliation among all Your children.

Help us to keep perspective in the face of negativity in our surroundings. Remind us that Your promises endure, and Your love knows no bounds. May we be beacons of Your light, shining brightly in our homes, churches, and communities.

As we intercede for one another, grant us the strength to forgive, to repent, and to seek You wholeheartedly. We trust in Your plan for us and ask for the courage to walk in faith, believing that You are at work in ways we may not yet see.


NOTE: For many other compositions by Taveau D’Arcy (many more leader words in song, PDF Finale lead sheets, hear TD’S sound, keyboard)


© 2003 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

Will you light a candle
Or will you curse the darkness

Will you light a candle in prayer?
Will you illuminate the shadows

And push away the darkness

Will you light a candle in prayer?



Will you raise your voice and cry loudly


And not hold back from drawing near to me


Will you remain standing in the midst of the battle?

Will you keep your eyes on Me?


You’ll never make a difference when you’re focused on the darkness


Will you keep your eyes fixed on Me?

I’m standing in the midst of you


Keep practicing My presence

I will make of you a burning fire

Repeat chorus

(C)2003 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

WillYouLightaCandle inPrayerGOOD(C)2002TaveauD’Arcy

(C)2022 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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