REMEMBER and use CAUTION, You Many Devout Fellowshipping with the Saints Fanatics:

The series may be viewed in whole and in some parts,, like which follows beneath  as called ” ONE PERSON WALKS IN,” and it highlights the experience of someone unknowingly stepping into a setting where strict, authoritarian rules are already in place. While the regulars understand and follow these unspoken rules, newcomers—like you or me—are often unaware.

Simply by showing up, someone from a different Christian movement, which doesn’t emphasize rigid doctrines of submission, can find themselves in an environment where control and hierarchical submission are heavily enforced. This shift can be particularly shocking for those coming from fellowships where such dynamics don’t exist, especially when the message is, “Be submitted” and “Women are dimly regarded as evil, seducers, high horse Queen Jezebels, useless victims, guillable, “needing it” and/or “traitorous witches” (not usually in spirit filled ‘servant leader” but one must use caution in ANY movement, spirit filled or not.  This is Cross Body Unity TD Future Church (non toying) perspective: and must withstood, targeted, pray against or used. be’ in subjection UNDER us” (**LP)” (**NOTE:ONLY THESE manifest this ‘dark incessant, repeated fruit”..out of all of USA Vast Races of CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES do this as NO other appears to ever do…and by I guage it as (their “usual” is  95% of each time …as seen in some more traditional settings in the deep South).


All now get READY for REVIVAL..yet  Let the innocent be aware!




EVIL EYE FIRST HAND LUKE EYEWITNESS..True Stories…which shaped my life, view of Christians, and ministry leaders, their trained followers and this made a MAVEN of Apostolic Theology  OUT OF this prim and proper “respectful’ “upfront “Christ following Me. It gave birth to the abiding James 3:17  2 Timothy 3:16-17 Apostle Pauline “reprover, correcter” which now appears.

PS “We need to beware of the Strange Children” Psalm 144 (note especially verses 8, 11) which is all of this (series included)

TD’s eyeopener to what actually going on in the congregations of THESE styles of wily Significant Papal Legalistic Saints.

PART 1 “THE AI AND I”  ACCUSER JUMPED IN PUBLIC (long term USA experiences)


(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved, in conjunction with ai

“AI and I” continuing series in which Sister T asks CHAT GPT AI
it’s own opinion, based on Traditional Gospel (Good News) and ministry, in the “born again” “saved” “Holy Ghost” in the context of Hebrews 10:25 “fellowshipping with the saints’

These are true incidences which wrote out, then asked Chat GPT Ai for it’s opinion and did not alter it.


Taveau told the Ai:


This was my first ever of this Type of interaction around 1992:

I want CHAT GPT AI to analyze the following and tell about Bible authority and the principles of leadership with the following examples.

These are unusual, these are atypical, but they literally happen to me across the years.

I had gone to study the spirit of prophecy at the leading of the Lord…I felt directed to attended to a close by “ prophetic” charismatic gathering. It was a 9-4 workshop.I was the newcomer and visitor, ministry leader newbie. I am very confident attending Christian meetings alone as should the case in every “Jesus representing/advertised area, local meetings

Across the aisle, I saw this middle aged Caucasian lady looking back at me and smiling. She did this 2-3 times during the day. I didn’t think anything of it, as the “new person” because she smiled at me, so I smiled back. We never interacted or chatted, but she still smiled at me and I thought nothing of it as per the member of that particular fellowship, greet the new visitor

However, at the close of the meeting, about 4 o’clock, I walked out to my car. As I did this, the middle aged lady followed me out to my care and loudly “declared the following over me” (FIRST ACCUSER FOR SHOWING UP, hence the training of “WORD CURSE THEOLOGY” Sister M as she later was determined loudly and with unholy boldness and vigorous might,  using stern authority, then publicly and  pronounced the following over this, God’s Special Child:

“The Lord told me that you have bad fruit!!”**

** However, it was a mild foretaste of what was to come and what also would be my personal and life ministry elite “Alexander the Coppersmith” for it is world wide and built upon suspicion, fear based bias, hearsay and turf protecting. This was mild (!!?) and  not occult, just by myself perceived as “a bit of human dysfunction” (religious spirit) .

So I asked Chat Ai to address this:


Your experiences are indeed uncommon and troubling, especially considering their context in a Christian environment. Let’s break down the situation and analyze it through the lens of biblical authority and leadership principles.

Incident 1: The Prophetic Gathering Encounter

  1. Observation and Smile Exchange:
    • The lady who smiled at you multiple times seemed to be acting in a friendly, welcoming manner, which is not inherently wrong or problematic. However, what followed raises concerns about biblical authority, discernment, and leadership behavior.
  2. Accusation of “Bad Fruit”:
    • When the lady approached you after the meeting and declared, “The Lord told me that you have bad fruit,” she was, in essence, making a public and harsh judgment. This type of behavior is not biblically endorsed, especially considering how Jesus taught about judgment.
    • Matthew 7:1-5 clearly warns against judging others without first examining one’s own heart. It stresses the need for humility in addressing others’ perceived faults. The woman’s statement lacked the kind of discernment and love that Jesus modeled.
    • Furthermore, the metaphor of “bad fruit” is biblical (Matthew 7:16-20), but in your context, it was used without relationship or understanding. Proper biblical authority and leadership principles would prioritize personal knowledge, compassion, and accountability (Galatians 6:1-2), not a cold, public pronouncement.
  3. Leadership and Prophetic Protocol:
    • The Bible sets clear guidelines for addressing issues with others. In Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus teaches that if you believe a fellow believer has sinned, you should first go to them privately. There is no biblical precedent for public or unrequested condemnation of someone’s character without an attempt to build trust and engage in relationship.
    • This woman’s behavior reflects a lack of biblical authority and leadership principles, as her approach undermined the foundational concepts of love, respect, and humility that should characterize Christian fellowship and leadership.

Biblical Principles of Authority and Leadership:

  1. Humility and Service:
    • Jesus emphasized servant leadership. In Mark 10:42-45, He taught that true leaders in the Kingdom are not to “lord it over” others, but rather serve in humility. This means that when one operates in a leadership or prophetic role, they should do so from a place of love, humility, and service—seeking to uplift others, not tear them down.
  2. Relational Accountability:
    • Effective leadership and correction must happen within the context of relationship. Galatians 6:1 calls for gently restoring someone caught in wrongdoing, being mindful of one’s own shortcomings. Biblical correction is always rooted in a loving relationship and carried out with grace, not condemnation.
  3. Discernment and Testing Prophetic Words:
    • 1 Corinthians 14:29 advises that prophetic words should be weighed carefully and tested. In your case, this woman’s abrupt and emphatic declaration of “bad fruit” should have been tested against Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Prophetic words should bring encouragement, edification, and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3), not fear, shame, or confusion.



The incident you described reflect a misuse of perceived biblical authority. True leadership is rooted in humility, service, relationship, and discernment. Leaders and prophets are called to build up and care for others, not to judge them harshly or without cause. In both of these experiences, the lack of relational accountability and the misapplication of biblical correction highlight an abuse of authority rather than its proper use.

If you are reflecting on these situations in an article, it would be effective to emphasize the biblical principles of humility, relationship-based correction, servant leadership, and protection of the vulnerable. This would help challenge unhealthy practices within the church while advocating for a return to Christ-like leadership.

(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved in conjunction with Ai. (NOTE: See our “Ai Use Declaration above and a free PDF)

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