“To know the Love of Christ which passes knowledge and be filled with the FULLNESS of GOD” Ephesians 2:19 Apostle Paul
However, we need to describe Authentic JESUS Love.
(C)2025 Sr Apostle Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
- The Bible depicts Christ’s TWO kinds of GENUINE LOVE:
1. The well known “Sweet Baby Jesus” safe love. This is love, to me ,means” turn the other cheek,walk the extra mile..Forgive ALL FATHER for we known not what we do. “
b) When we read the entire Chapter Matt 23 open rebuke on the hillside but not calling them out by name or word cursing them as human persons. Jesus was calling attention to the false ministry fruit, to warn them but also the many local area persons)
NOTE that had God instructed Christ in John 5 so that He stated that “I’m not going to do or to sayr saying anything until, unless I first hear the Father say “to do it”OR “to say it”)
For the mature, however younger prophet Jesus, was dealing with Surface System which was like an Isaiah 5:20 “woe ..calling what was evil GOOD and what was good EVIL” (Bible Scripture to explain that is the Psalm 115:4-8 “idolatrous indifferent, walking blind.”
Hence Jesus employed an uncommon self government, temperance, being unselfish, and “spiritually violent but not attacking …which was up front…to wake them from their legalism, etched in concrete formula, their indifference, immature legalistic blindness.
d)BOTH OF THESE KINDS OF LOVE, evidently run in JESUS FAMILY. Note: the Garden Gen 3 Jesus Father God and every man ADAM. God never accused, cat called, lectured, demeaned, put down, abused, word curse the Adam who had been told before Eve was formed “do not eat of the tree of Good and Evil” ..which he did and then God showed up to respectfully hold Adam “directly accountable” (more on that later)
(C)2025 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws